Crab and Wing Dip
Been working on the line indoc on the 1900D for a few weeks now and the one maneuver that I’ve been struggling with is crosswind landings – ever my nemesis! All these struggles and...
Been working on the line indoc on the 1900D for a few weeks now and the one maneuver that I’ve been struggling with is crosswind landings – ever my nemesis! All these struggles and...
Yesterday, my first day back flying in over a week, saw a rather dramatic change of pace. After spending a good while with my new instructor (#7 in all) reviewing my logbook and previous...
Completed my night landings flight last night, smoothly performing 10 takeoffs and stop and go landings. Having not performed pattern work for several weeks of instrument training, it was a bit odd to return...
It’s Saturday morning 6am and the countdown to the private pilot check-ride has officially begun – 3 days! Yesterday’s mock check-ride was very successful with all maneuvers coming in within standards. My instructor even...
Just returned from my first solo adventure – three loops around the airport and three landings all by myself. It was a very exciting yet very familiar feeling as nothing changed other than having...
Bad news… I did the obligatory warmup flights with my instructor but I guess we warmed up too much as the weather got incredibly hot and thermals were really bumpy with slight tailwinds so...
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