WhyteFlyte Blog


A Wild Week

Wow, what a week it was! This past week, I was sent to Prince George for a week of flying into the norther BC community of Fort Ware and the Kemess Creek mine and...


Fall Mountain Flying

Over the last few weeks, I have had the opportunity to fly some amazing flights in the mountains of British Columbia. Despite all the long days and nights away from home, these trips have...


Airline-Style Flying

Just wrapped up another round of airline style flying having spent a couple days in Vancouver flying as a reserve plane for Pacific Coastal Airlines. What an amazing difference airline-style flying really is. Starting...


Crab and Wing Dip

Been working on the line indoc on the 1900D for a few weeks now and the one maneuver that I’ve been struggling with is crosswind landings – ever my nemesis! All these struggles and...


Day in the Life of a Charter Pilot

Disclaimer: Apologies in advance for the poorly written post, the bulk of it was narrated to my iPhone enroute from YYC to YEG So after a marathon day, I figured I’d review the  glamorous day...

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