On the Line

On the 25th of August I passed my check ride for the mighty Q400 and two days later I had my first flights as an airline pilot. What an adventure it has been!

Looking back, the months of July and August have been a complete blur of memories of some very intensive training and commuting back and forth to Calgary. I’d always heard WestJet hired good people and then provided them with all the training and tools needed to do their jobs and I saw that first hand. My classmates were awesome and supportive, my instructors were patient and extremely helpful and the training captains were encouraging and friendly. I’m so lucky to have landed in the WestJet family!

It’s now been almost a month of actually flying and what a blast it has been. The views are amazing and the airplane is a rocket ship with top notch technology – right up my alley.

So far, I’ve already been to 3 new airports and another 3 lined up for next week alone. Seeing new sights and visiting new city’s has always been a joy for me so this really is dreams come true.

Next on the bucket list is a trip out East to fly from our Toronto base to see the maritimes and hopefully Quebec City, one of the prettiest in Canada.


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