Multi-engine Check-ride Fail


Crappy news… I failed my multi-engine check-ride today! And the worst part is I busted on the ground during the first 30 mins of the oral exam. Despite all my study and preparations, I somehow missed not studying enough detail of the propellor system and the examiner asked me a question that went a fair bit beyond the study materials and he wanted details that I just didn’t have in my head or even in the take-in materials we were allowed to bring with us.

The question revolved around the propellor system and specifically the governor, which is used to control the pitch of the propellor, allowing the prop to maintain a constant speed (RPM) setting. While I knew the theory very well, all the literature I was given to read kept using the words “prop governor automatically” and the examiner wanted me to explain in detail how that was actually happening inside the governor. So I started out reciting everything I knew a bit about it, but apparently I didn’t have all the nuts and bolts and the examiner said this was a crucial system and that if I couldn’t explain it, I would need to head back to the books and take an insufficient on this component of the exam.

I was given the opportunity to continue the oral exam, however I found myself pretty burnt out and discouraged and with no hope of flying until the oral is passed, I decided to pull the plug on the exam and spend more time reviewing systems with my instructor.

Tomorrow we are meeting up to nail down the propellor system in as much detail as we possibly can and then we’ll dig DEEP into the other systems that I’ll have to explain when I get to retake the exam, possibly as early as Friday – although I may decide to just take the weekend to review and detox.

I have to say it was a pretty big disappointment considering how much effort I put into my preparations but it just goes to show that even when you think you know something in aviation, there is still so much more to know and to know in excruciating detail.

On the plus side many students don’t even make it as far as I have and this should hopefully be just a small setback and reminder to continuing giving it 110%.

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